Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Torajan Story - Lebonna and Paerengan Massudilalong (a love story for a lifetime)

Lebonna – Paerengan Massudilalong - A love story that lives as long as two lovebirds, romance that happened since ancient times (Long before Romeo-Juliet was filmed) and has taken root and will always be remembered in the Tana Toraja indigenous community. The love story between Lebonna and her lover Massudilalong Paerengan which ended very tragically.

Such is Lebonna, a beautiful woman, fair-skinned, long-nosed, tall and long-haired and long-haired from the Bau Area, Bonggakaradeng. In the course of his life, he later became a struggle for men, but eventually he fell in love with a handsome, brave and powerful man named Massudilalong Paerengan.

In the love relationship, the two lovebirds bind the promise to live a lifetime, and when they die later, both must be buried in a coffin.

Over time, the love affair between the two became more intimate, and finally many men who were jealous of Paerengan won the hearts of Lebonna, as well as many women who were jealous of Lebonna who succeeded in winning Paerengan, a handsome and brave young man.

However, destiny said differently when news emerged that the neighboring regions would make an invasion, and the Paerengan, who were known as knights, were asked to lead the troops. And they went to battle to fight (Mangrari).

Meanwhile Lebonna lives in the village while weaving while waiting for her lover to return. However, during the battle, one of Paerengan's men quietly ran away from the battlefield, with the intention of capturing Lebonna by spreading false news about Paerengan's death, to Lebonna by pretending to be sad.

Hearing the news about the death of her lover, Lebonna was very surprised and unable to accept the news. He even shut himself up and did not want to eat for several days.

The efforts of Paerengan's men who escaped from the battlefield apparently did not produce any results. Lebonna did not flinch at all to be persuaded or seduced because her love was indeed only for Paerengan. Every night Lebonna is always reminded of the promise she had made with her lover, Paerengan. And finally, he kept his promise to live the same life with his girlfriend by hanging himself.

After he died and chose to hang himself, in order to prove his sacred love, the body of Lebonna was then buried, which first had to go through a "dialect" procession, then buried in a stone burrow, precisely in the village of Salu Barana, Lembang Bua Kayu. According to the story, when Lebonna's body was put into a rut, the new door was suddenly closed tightly, and Lebonna's long hair was still flowing out to the lips of the Cave. According to the beliefs of the Toraja people, at that time Lebonna was still unwilling to enter Liang without being accompanied by Massudilalong Paerengan, the lover who had made a promise to him for a lifetime.

How about Paerengan? Paerengan returned from the battlefield with the news of victory, and headed straight to the house of Lebonna, the lover he really missed.

But how devastated Paerengan, Lebonna, the girl he loved so much, was gone forever.

After knowing the Beloved was gone, Paerengan's life was very uncertain. He who is known as a true knight and is highly respected, now lives in a closed condition. Every day he is always sad, and alone. Dilemmatically, Paerengan must choose to fulfill his promises to live with Semonna or live to defend his territory from enemy attacks.

The days passed, there was a man named Dodeng, Paerengan Maid who was very close to Paerengan. Dodeng has an palm tree adjacent to the Lebonna grave. At one time, Dodeng was late in taking sap / tuak, so he had to leave after evening. When taking Tuak, Dodeng heard a familiar voice, a voice that he knew and recognized as the voice of Lebonna. Some Toraja people believe that the soul of someone who dies by suicide will be uneasy, as is the spirit of Lebonna. What message does Lebonna want to convey to Dodeng to convey to her lover Paerengan-Massudilalong? Dodeng listens to Lebonna's screams about his lover who hasn't fulfilled his promise for a lifetime. Lebonna's message to Massudilalong through Dodeng is implied through the lyrics of a song:

Mukua duka la sang mateki e so’ eee…. Paerengan o… Rendengku.
Angku dolo, angku mate(…) tae’ si la matena, lasisarak sunga’na, (…) Ulli-ulli soladuka Borro sito’doan duka(…) o Rendengku….

It means more or less; Hey .. Dodeng who took wine, stop your activities first ... Listen to my message of pain ... for my beloved Massudilalong ... He said it would be suffering ... Also alive and semati .... But everything was just empty ... I had long died, committed suicide because of an appointment ... while he was still alive.

Dodeng, who heard the sound of the full moans, could not do anything. He was stunned. When he regained consciousness, he immediately ran to Paerengan's house and did not have time to take another wine. Arriving at home, he immediately broke out in cold sweat and fell ill

But Lebonna's MESSAGE for her lover was not immediately conveyed by Dodeng, because she still lacked confidence in what she heard. He was worried it was only a fantasy, even though it had made him fall ill. Finally Dodeng again tried to take ballo or palm wine, but this time he came earlier. How surprised Dodeng, he heard the sound again, even though it was not too dark (night). Hearing the sad voice that groaned the message, Dodeng then took a thousand steps without bringing palm wine.

Finally the change in Dodeng's attitude made Paerengan suspicious. He then urged Dodeng to tell him what had happened to him, and Dodeng could not stand it and conveyed this to Paerengan.

Not sure about Dodeng's story, Paerengan also wanted to prove it, so the next day when Paerengan went with Dodeng to the palm tree, which was not far from the Lebonna cemetery. After Dodeng climbed the palm tree, the sound was heard again. Paerengan who attended silently listened clearly. After hearing Lebonna's message directly, Paerengan went straight to his house, entered his room and closed the door tightly. He was beaten because he was negligent from the faithful promise he had agreed with Lebonna; the lover he really loved.

Not waiting for long Paerengan the warlord requested that all his troops gather with a spear. (What did he want to do?) He reasoned that he would carry out a ceremonial ceremony, a ritual by slaughtering a buffalo by spear.

The next day, all the soldiers gathered in an open field. All Paeengan families also attended. At that time, dozens of buffalo had been prepared, the soldiers had also cared for each of them. The Paerengan then requested that all the troops plant the spear with the spear point up. When all the residents and soldiers gathered, Paerengan quietly climbed onto the roof of the pavilion that had already existed before. He thought he would deliver the speech, but apparently he just jumped right over the hundreds of spearheads that had been plugged in.

Paerengan also died tragically, and has fulfilled his promise. When Paerengan was buried, not where Lebonna was buried, Paerengan's body always reappeared at his house suddenly. This incident happened three times, until finally Dodeng told the actual events including the sound he heard when he wanted to take wine. Only after they were buried with Lebonna, did the Paerengan corpse calm down.

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